
<p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><div style="text-align: center; "><strong style="font-size: 12pt;">《纵览中国》网刊 </strong></div><div style="text-align: center; ">&nbsp;</div><div style="text-align: center; "><strong>CHINA IN PERSPECTIVE </strong></div><div style="text-align: center; ">&nbsp;</div><div><div style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://www.chinainperspective.com">www.chinainperspective.com</a> </div><div style="text-align: center;"><a href="http://www.chinainperspective.org"><a href="http://www.chinainperspective.org">www.chinainperspective.org</a></a></div></div><div style="text-align: center; ">&nbsp;</div> <p><br /><strong>主办:普林斯顿中国学社 PRINCETON CHINA INTIATIVE (PCI) </strong><br /></p><div>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<strong>勞改研究基金會 &nbsp;&nbsp; LAOGAI RESEARCH FOUNDATION (LRF)</strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div> <p><strong>发行人兼主编:Publisher/ Chief Editor: </strong></p><div>&nbsp;</div><div><strong>陈奎德&nbsp; </strong>Chen Kuide</div><div>Email:<a href="&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#116;&#111;&#58;&#112;&#105;&#106;&#105;&#104;&#117;&#97;&#102;&#117;&#64;&#103;&#109;&#97;&#105;&#108;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;">pijihuafu@gmail.com</a></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div> <p><strong>编辑顾问 Editorial Advisers: </strong><br /></p><div>&nbsp;</div><div>余英时 Yu Yingshih (Princeton, Academician of Academia Sinica)&nbsp; <br />张灏 Chang Hao (Ohio U. , Academician, of Academia Sinica)&nbsp; <br />林培瑞 Perry Link (Chair. Of PCI Board)&nbsp; </div><div>&nbsp;</div> <p><br /><strong>编辑委员会 Editorial Board: </strong><br /></p><div>&nbsp;</div><div>陈奎德 Chen Kuide (Executive, PCI)&nbsp; <br />陈彦 Chen Yan (PhD, Paris Univ.)&nbsp; <br />程晓农 Cheng Xiaonong ( Ph.D. Princeton)&nbsp; <br />程映虹 Cheng Yinghong (Delaware State Univ.)&nbsp; <br />龚小夏 Gong Xiaoxia (Ph.D, Harvard)&nbsp; <br />何清涟 He Qinglian (Scholar, US)&nbsp; <br />胡平 Hu Ping (Scholar, US)&nbsp; <br />焦国标 Jiao Guobiao (Scholar, Beijing)&nbsp; <br />刘柠 Liu Ning (Scholar, Beijing)&nbsp; <br />刘晓波 Liu Xiaobo (Writer, Scholar Beijing)&nbsp;</div><div>秦偉平&nbsp; Qin, George (Editor, CIP)</div><div>冉云飞 Ran Yunfei ( Scholar, Sichuan)&nbsp;</div><div>宋永毅 Song Yongyi (Prof. UCA)</div><div></div>王军涛 Wang Juntao (Ph. D. Columbia) <br />王力雄 Wang Lixiong (Scholar &amp; Writer, Beijing) <br />王天成 Wang Tiancheng (Columbia Univ.) <br />王怡 Wang Yi (Chengdu Univ.) <br />唯色 Wei Se (Writer, Beijing) <br />吴国光 Wu Guoguang (Victoria Univ. Canada) <br />夏明 Xia Ming (New York City Univ.) <br />楊逢時 Yang Fengshi (Scholar, LRF)<br />余杰 Yu Jie (Writer, Scholar, Beijing) <br />张郎郎 Zhang Langlang (State Dept., PCI) <br />张伟国 Zhang Weiguo (Journalist, CA) <br />郑义 Zheng Yi (PCI, President of ICPC) <br /><div><br />&nbsp;</div> <p><strong>编辑部 Editorial Office:</strong><br /></p><div>&nbsp;</div><div>主编: 陈奎德&nbsp; Chen, Kuide &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; 编辑: 秦偉平&nbsp; Qin, George,&nbsp; &nbsp;陈欽典&nbsp; Chen, Qindian</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>电话&nbsp;电传 ( Tel &amp; Fax , US)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 703-753-3639&nbsp;</div>

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