
<div> <div><img src="http://www.chinese.rfi.fr/sites/chinese.filesrfi/imagecache/rfi_43_large/sites/images.rfi.fr/files/aef_image/2012-11-17_NEPAL.JPG" alt="A Tibetan woman pours butter on lamps during an event organized to express solidarity with the victims of violence in Tibet and to those who self-immolated to protest against Chinese rule in Tibet, in Kathmandu November 17, 2012." title="A Tibetan woman pours butter on lamps during an event organized to express solidarity with the victims of violence in Tibet and to those who self-immolated to protest against Chinese rule in Tibet, in Kathmandu November 17, 2012." align="right" height="257" width="344" /> <div>A Tibetan woman pours butter on lamps during an event organized to express solidarity with the victims of violence in Tibet and to those who self-immolated to protest against Chinese rule in Tibet, in Kathmandu November 17, 2012. <div>Reuters/路透社</div> <div> 作者 <a href="http://www.chinese.rfi.fr/auteur/%E6%B3%95%E5%B9%BF">法广</a> </div> <p>根据中央社引述西藏流亡政府的家园通讯社周一报道指出,又有一名藏人由于不满中共对藏区的管制而自焚身亡。家园社说,刚刚自焚身亡 的是年仅18岁的贡曲次仁,此次自焚事件发生在甘肃省甘南自治州夏河县。贡曲次仁身后留下父母、一个哥哥、还有自己年青的遗孀,现年只有19岁的桑 <p>而在同一地方,不到一个星期前, 一位名叫次仁敦珠的35岁的男子也以自焚身亡的方式表示抗议,次仁敦珠身后留下三个孩子。</p> <p>据家园社星期一早些时候的报道指出,另一名叫旺杰的藏人在四川省甘孜州色达县高呼着让达赖喇嘛返回西藏、让藏人自由的口号,进行自焚。家园社还报道 说,也是在周一,在青海海南藏族自治州共和县(Chabcha),一千多名藏人学生上街游行,抗议中共官员对自焚行为的批判,以及对藏语的不尊重;报道 说,中共保安人员以暴力手段将学生们的和平抗议驱散,造成很多学生受伤。</p> </div>

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