劉曉波和劉霞——我的看法 (中、英文版)

<div> </div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><img alt="" src="/EditBackyard/EditorData/Photo/2012/Dec/1292012yys.jpg" height="700" width="484" />&nbsp;</div><div><em style="font-size: 12pt;">余英時教授 </em></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div><span style="font-size: 12pt;">十二月十日,世界人權日,即將到來了,我不能不想到劉曉波和他的妻子劉霞;他們兩位的人權從二零零九年十二月起遭到了北京政權的的嚴厲侵犯。以&#8220;煽動顛覆國家政權&#8221;的罪名判處劉曉波入獄十一年,真是極端荒謬的事。事實上,他不過參與了零八憲章的撰寫與流傳,為的只是推動民主與人權的改革而已。將劉霞軟禁在公寓中,沒有網絡,沒有電話,除了買食物和探望父母之外,不得離家一步。這更是北京政權對於法律的驚人踐踏。劉霞沒有任何不法行為,她受到如此深重的懲罰只是因為她是劉曉波的妻子。在這一關聯上,我必須提醒大家,包括在中國境內和境外的,在中國傳統時期,儒家學人曾嚴重譴責專制王朝下&#8220;罪及妻孥&#8221;的惡習。萬萬想不到,在二十一世紀的中國,我們竟看到這一惡習的复起,而且具有更大的活力。近來中共常常引中國文化自傲,尤其是儒家傳統。如果他們真的尊重儒家價值,我想請他們牢牢記住孔子的一句名言&#8220;行己有恥&#8221;。十七世紀的偉大學者顧炎武告訴我們:這句名言正是儒教的精義所在。</span></div><br /><span style="font-size: 12pt;">諾貝爾和平獎得主圖圖大主教起草了一份文件,得到一百三十五位各類諾獎得主的共同簽署,剛剛發布了。這份重要文件明白指出,劉曉波和劉霞的拘禁違反了國際法;文件簽署人更進一步要求:劉曉波和劉霞必須立即釋放。這一文件令人感動。我個人完全支持它。</span><br /><br /><div><span style="font-size: 12pt;">二零一二年十二月七日</span></div><div><em>&nbsp;</em></div><div><em style="font-size: 12pt;">(这是余英時教授在《劉曉波之友會新聞發布會》上的書面發言)</em></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>&nbsp;</div><div align="center">&nbsp;<strong style="font-size: 12pt;">My Statement about Liu Xiaobo and Liu Xia</strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div align="center"><strong>Ying-Shih Yu </strong></div><div>&nbsp;</div><div>As world Human Rights Day, December 10, is drawing near, I cannot help but think about Liu Xiaobo and his wife Liu Xia whose rights have been grossly violated by the Beijing regime since December, 2009. It is utterly ridiculous that Liu Xiaobo&nbsp;&nbsp; was sentenced to eleven&nbsp; years in prison for &#8220;incitement of subversion of state power&#8221; simply because he had helped to write and circulate a call for democratic and human rights reforms known as Charter &#8217;08. It is a more flagrant legal abuse on the part of the Beijing regime that Liu Xia has been placed under house arrest with no internet, phone or outside trips. Obviously, she is punished only for being the wife of Liu Xiaobo. In this connection I must remind my contemporaries in China as well as outside that in the traditional period Confucian humanists severely condemned the bad practice of extending legal punishments from husband to wife and children. It is inconceivable that now we see this legal abuse revived in 21st – century&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; China with renewed vitality. Lately, Chinese communists often speak with considerable pride of the Chinese cultural heritage, especially the Confucian tradition. They may well be advised to commit to memory the following saying of Confucius: &#8220;In your conduct let there be some things that you are ashamed to do.&#8221; Acording to the great Confucian scholar Gu Yanwu (1613-1682), this saying is the very quintessence of Confucianism.<br /><br />It is heart-warming to know that a petition started by the Nobel laureate Desmond Tutu and signed by 135 of his fellow laureates was released this week. It calls the detention of Liu Xiaobo and Liu Xia a violation of international law and urges their immediate release. I support it whole-heartedly.<br /><br />Dec. 7, 2012 &nbsp;<br /><br />&nbsp;</div>