
中国越来越让人看不懂了,从习李的高调改革言说,到“七不搞”、8:19讲话、两高司法解释、连篇累牍的反宪政反普世价值和挺毛宣传及连续抓捕大V; 从反腐风暴、石油帮接连落马、剑指更大的老虎到民间强拆依旧、城管打人依旧,及针对一系列民间民权诉求的打压,这种让人亦喜亦忧的巨大反差,使国际舆论和中国学界新闻界及众多网评人士的看法发生了前所未有的分裂。数月以来,争论空前激烈,莫衷一是。根本分歧就在于到底怎么看待习的执政路线。从国际视角来说,就是中国正在发生什么和将要发生什么?





平壤地震 冲击北京


The true story of a Uyghur youth who was a victim of the “12 December Student Protest” in Urumchi

When we focus on the historical events regardless of any ethnicity issue in Xinjiang, we are able to see that the Urumchi student protest of 12th Dec 1985 formed a part of the wider events which took place across China, and was closely related to those peaceful protests. Moreover, that protest had much in common with the protests of 4th June 1989. However, their results turned out very differently because these two protests were made by two different nationalities, as they are categorized under the CCP. For this reason, they were fundamentally differentiated, and were explained as totally different forms of conflict. For example, the student protests which took place in the same year in inner China were considered by Hu Yaobang as requiring reconciliation using peaceful dialogue or two-way dialogue, but the protest in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region by Uyghur students was classified and treated very differently. Aziz Isa’s case which we reviewed earlier is typical of hundreds and thousands of similar cases among Uyghur intellectuals’ experiences. The June 4th student protest in Tiananmen Square in which students called for anti-corruption and a democratic China has been called an anti-revolutionary attack, and recently has been designated a “political storm”. However, the equivalent student protest in Xinjiang is regarded as a separatist movement, and has never been able to achieve peaceful resolution. Particularly after Jan 1987, once Hu Yaobang was ousted from his position in the CCP central government, those Uyghur students who have participated or supported the protest became the victims of that painful past. It ruined a 16 year old high school student’s life, and destroyed his dreams because of a single poster, and drove him to live under that merciless shadow for his whole life. This is the essential difference between the fate of a Han Chinese and a Uyghur in China.