<div><img src="/EditBackyard/EditorData/Photo/2014/Dec/12162014大五.jpg" width="553" height="759" alt="" /> </div><div> </div><div><img src="/EditBackyard/EditorData/Photo/2014/Dec/12162014大五2.jpg" width="553" height="783" alt="" /> </div><div> </div><div><img src="/EditBackyard/EditorData/Photo/2014/Dec/12162014大五3.jpg" width="553" height="760" alt="" /> </div><div> </div><div></div><div>新闻发布:</div><div style="text-align: center; "><strong>中国的罗宾汉被美国拒签</strong></div><div> </div><div>发布时间:12/13/2014</div><div> </div><div>事件主角:中国河北省徐水县大午农牧集团公司创建人、监事长孫大武先生。该公司现有员工三千多人,资产上亿美元。2003年,孙大午因“非法集资”罪名被地方司法机构逮捕,判刑三年,缓期四年。当时许多中外媒体报道过这个案件。纽约时报的标题是“中国的罗宾汉和地方政。府发生矛盾”。十年后的今天,这位孙大午先生,又跟美国政府发生矛盾,要在申请赴美签证这件事上,寻求公道和正义.</div><div> </div><div>事件地点:中国首都北京,以及位于北京南面大约100公里的河北省徐水县。 </div><div> </div><div>事件经过:公司业务经过十年快速发展之后,孙大午想带夫人和助理去美国首次旅游并考察经济和社会情况。但他的赴美签证申请颇不顺利,被无理拒签两次。第一次发生在2008年,第二次发生在今年12月2号。拒签理由据说是“你不能提供按时回国的足够证明”。孙大午问签证官:“我已经向你们提供了我公司的全部资料。我有三千多员工,上亿美元资产,而且我的资产全在中国,没在海外,这难道还不是我要按时回国的足够证据吗?你们到底要什么证据才行?” 但签证官不听他解释,给他一张“拒签说明”,上面写着“不可上诉”,让他走开。整个过程仅两分钟。 </div><div> </div><div>从北京回家之后,孙大午写了一封致美国总统奥巴马和美国驻华使馆的公开信,抱怨对他无理拒签,而且批评签证官的恶劣态度。他也向美国政府提出三条建议,希望他们能改革签证制度和程序,“提高效率,提供方便,更加人性化”等等。 </div><div> </div><div>联络采访事宜:</div><div>中国: 河北省徐水县大午集团公司监事长孙大午,电话:011-86-15231260561; 电邮:mishuchu035@163.com;</div><div>美国:大午集团公司高级顾问兼驻美代表程惕洁博士,电话:925-446-6673; 电邮: tjcheng10@gmail.com;</div><div>附:孙大午致奥巴马总统的公开信(中文)</div><div>本新闻拟发往机构:美国白宫、国务院,及纽约时报、华盛顿邮报等新闻机构</div><div></div><div>NYT: opinion@nytimes.com; NYTChinese: cn.letters@nytimes.com; VOA: chinese@voanews.com; RFA: fankui@rfa.org; WP:wp.syndicate@washpost.com; DeState: CAPressRequests@state.gov; FT: customer.service@ftchinese.com; ftchinese@ft.com</div><div> </div><div> </div><div><div>News Release: </div><div style="text-align: center; "><strong>Chinese “Robin Hood” Sun Dawu Has Been Rejected US Visa</strong></div><div> </div><div>Time of Release:<span style="white-space: pre;"> </span>12/14/2014, to White House, State Department, and US media</div><div> </div><div>Whom about? Mr. Sun Dawu, the owner, and funding father, of Dawu Agriculture and Husbandry Group Co., Xushui County, Hebei Province, China, with 3,000 employees and more than $100 million assets. In August 2003, Mr. Sun was arrested by Xushui police, being charged running an “illegal credit cooperative and lured millions of dollars in deposits away from state banks”, and sentenced to 3-year imprisonment,with 4-year probation. New York Times reported his story under a title of “A Chinese Robin Hood Runs Afoul of Beijing”. Now, after 10 years later, however, the same Sun Dawu is currently struggling to run afoul of USA, seeking for justice in his US visa application. </div><div> </div><div>Where happened? Beijing, and Xushui County, Hebei Province, China. His company is located in the countryside, about 50 miles in south of Beijing. </div><div> </div><div>What’s the story? After his company being developed rapidly, Mr. Sun wants to bring his wife and assistant to have a vacation in USA for the first time. But his visa application has been rejected by American Embassy in Beijing for twice. The first time was in 2008, and the second time just happened on 12/02/14. The rejection reason was said that “you haven’t shown sufficient reason that you will return back to China after finishing your trip”. Sun Dawu asked, “I have shown you all the documents on the size and assets of my company, and all my wealth is in China, nothing in overseas. Is that not enough to show the reason I will return back to China? If this is not the evidence, what kind of evidence do you really want? ” The consul refused more talk to him, simply passed him a rejection notice, saying this is a final decision, and no appeal will be allowed. The whole process was only about 2 minutes. </div><div> </div><div>After returning back from Beijing, Sun Dawu has drafted an open letter to President Obama, also to American Embassy in Beijing, to complain the unreasonable rejection, and also the bad attitudes of the American officials. In the open letter, he also suggests USA to reform its visa application procedure, to make it “more efficient, convenient, and humanized”. </div><div> </div><div>Contact Numbers in China: Sun Dawu, Suppervisory Chair, Dawu Group Co. Xushui, Hebei: Tel. 011-86-15231260561; Email:mishuchu035@163.com;</div><div>Contact Numbers in USA: TJ Cheng, PhD, Senior Advisor and Dawu Group Co. Representative in USA, Tel. 925-446-6673; Email. tjcheng10@gmail.com; </div><div>Attachment: Sun Dawu’s Open letter to President Obama (in Chinese) </div><div>————————————————————————————–</div> </div><div></div>