Happy Mother’s Day! 祝天下所有的母亲们节日快乐! 诚邀所有长期关注和支持秦伟平先生的朋友们加入 #伟平之友会,欢迎大家参加2023年美国哈福德社区大学毕业典礼,秦伟平先生将会获颁一个重要奖项,欢迎大家参与/见证/支持。 2023年5月25日 8:30 am, 伟平之友会首次聚会,地点:Harford Community College, Maryland. 想参加的观众朋友,请发邮件报名:weipingqin1980@gmail.com 现场会抽出一位幸运观众,赠送一本价值999美元《中国危机大赢家》。 Harford Community College to Hold Two Ceremonies to Recognize Class of 2023 Harford Community College will hold its 65th Annual Commencement on Thursday, May 25 in the APG Federal Credit Union Arena at Harford Community College. This year, the College is holding two ceremonies to recognize all August 2022 and December 2022 graduates and May 2023 candidates for graduation in the College’s associate degree and certificate programs. Commencement ceremonies will be held at 10 AM for graduates of the Arts and Humanities and the Behavioral and Social Sciences divisions and at 2 PM for graduates of the Business and Applied Technology, Nursing and Allied Health Professions, and Science, Technology, Engineering and Math divisions. Visit the Academic Catalog, Programs of Study if you need assistance determining which division applies to you or your student. Guests are welcome and encouraged to attend in person, and no ticket is required. Seating will be first come, first served. The ceremonies will be live-streamed and recorded. Links to the live stream will be added to the College’s Commencement 2023 webpage closer to the event date. A recorded version for each ceremony will be available for viewing on the Harford Community College website at a later date. We’re excited to share this celebration with the community. Congratulate our graduates and celebrate with us—they’ve accomplished so much!