悉加州大學河邊分校林培瑞教授 (Perry Link)因履行職責而對同事表達了對應聘人士學術水準的意見而遭受學校當局懲罰。我們,作為林教授的普林斯顿中国學社同事,對此深感驚訝和嚴正關切。眾所周知,林教授不僅不是種族主義者,而且是反對種族主義的學人。校方此舉侵犯了林教授的學術自由,侵害了林培瑞的憲法權利,校方以“多元、公平与包容”(DEI)為藉口製造思想禁忌和言論禁區,甚至以此迫害不附和以膚色為錄用標準而敢於堅持學術良知及標準的林教授,這是公然蔑視學術獨立和思想自由,這是公然迫害一位有口皆碑終身獻給學術和人權事業的可敬學者。我們抗議這一壓迫行徑,並敦請校方收回成命,還加州大學為一個學術自由的公平天地。
Stop the Persecution of Professor Perry Link
We have learned that Professor Perry Link of the University of California (Riverside), was punished by the school authorities for expressing his opinions on the academic level of a job applicant to his colleague in the performance of his duties. We, as Professor Link’s colleagues in the Princeton China Initiative, are deeply surprised and seriously concerned about this. As everyone knows, Professor Link is not only not a racist, but a scholar who opposes racism. The school's actions have violated Professor Link's academic freedom and infringed upon his constitutional rights. The school has used "diversity, equity and inclusion" (DEI) as an excuse to create taboos on thought and speech, even used this to persecute Professor Link who dared to uphold his academic conscience and standards and did not agree with the skin color as a recruitment criterion. This is a blatant disregard for academic independence and freedom of thought, and it is a blatant persecution of a respectable scholar who has devoted his life to academia and human rights and is highly praised by everyone. We firmly protest this coercive action and urge the school to reverse its decision and restore UC to a fair environment of academic freedom.
(Note: Prof. Perry Link joined with Princeton alumnus John B. Elliott and Princeton Professor Yu Ying-shih to found the Princeton China Initiative (PCI), which was an organization established in the Department of East Asian Studies at Princeton University after the June 4th Incident in 1989. It accepted intellectuals and students who were exiled overseas due to the June 4th Incident and studies modern history and current affairs. Prof. Link is PCI’s board chair. )
All colleagues of the Princeton China Initiative