
作者: 劳改研究基金会



本次被资助的个人研究项目,呈现出历史和现实研究并重的特点。在历史领域内,有香港凌文秀先生的1957年受难者姓名大辞典》;旅美学者谭松教授的大陆土改研究和旅澳人权活动人士孙立勇先生有关“六·四”的档案文献著作等。在对当前中国人权研究中, 有原大陆维权律师滕彪博士的对于中国政府对政治犯和良心犯的镇压手法的研究和青年学者陈闯创的中国网络政治犯研究计划。就被资助的个人研究项目的题材而论,也非常多样化,有书稿、研究报告、纪录片和网站等等。







Laogai Research Foundation Announcing Recipients of

 Its 2019 Research Fellowship Grant Program


Since last September when the Laogai Research Foundation established the Research Fellowship Grant to promote and support research focusing on human rights abuse in China, it has received a great number of applications from scholars and human right activists worldwide.   After careful review and close consultation with outside experts, the Foundation’s Board of Directors has created a finalists list of nearly ten applicants. The average amount for each Fellowship recipient this year is close to USD10,000.

The selected projects of the Fellowship Grant are well balanced in both historical and contemporary coverage of related research areas. In the historical area, for instance, there is a project on the victims of the 1957 Anti-Rightist Campaign by Mr. Lin Wenxiu (Hong Kong), a research project on the Land Reform Campaign by Professor Tan Song (USA), as well as an archival project on the June Fourth Movement by Mr. Sun Liyong (Australia).  In the area of research on the current human rights abuse in China, the Fellowship recipients include Dr. Teng Biao (USA), a former rights defense lawyer in China, for his research on Chinese authorities’ persecution methods against political prisoners and prisoners of conscience in China as well as Mr. Chen Chuangchuang (USA) for his project on “online political prisoners” in China. Those awarded projects represent a variety of formats, including books, reports, films, and websites.

We wish all grantees great success in accomplishing their research projects.

Laogai Research Foundation

January 5 2019



本站刊登日期: 2019-01-05 10:58:00
